- Description
The University of Toronto is a globally top-ranked public research university in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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- 1000+ employees
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- https://utoronto.ca
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- Academic association Agriculture Business & management Education Environment
Recent projects
Scientific Publishing in HRM/Psychology- Level Up
The level up opportunity involves getting a human resources management or industrial/organizational psychology manuscript or conference submission ready for scientific publication/presentation. Candidate must be familiar with literature search databases (e.g., Psychinfo, ABI inform etc.), citation and referencing styles (e.g., APA style) and know how to insert in-text citations of relevant sources and to create bibliography (as per APA style), interpret statistical analyses (e.g., from SPSS or R) and create relevant graphics/visuals (e.g., Tables and Figures as per APA style). Candidate will conduct literature review on ethnicity/race/culture/gender and other psychological variables, incorporate summaries of relevant references into the manuscript, complete graphs and tables based on statistical output, generate or analyze data using R as needed.
Global Access to Covid19 vaccine
Goals: To engage students with a global community problem and solve it using empirical evidence Analyze and summarize student learning outcomes from Global access to Covid19 projects conducted at UTSC management/chemistry departments in summer 2021 and fall2021. Extract themes from student answers on exams, individual reflections, and group projects using Nvivo or similar software. Conduct statistical analyses (E.g., means, correlations etc.) on student outcome data (e.g., team member ratings). Summarize findings in a technical report using APA/MPA style complete with references, figures, tables, executive summary.
Disseminating Research in Organizational Behavior, HRM & Social Psychology
The opportunity involves getting research in organizational behavior, social or personality psychology, or human resource management ready for scientific publication or presentation. Only one or two learners accepted. Learners must be familiar with doing literature reviews, interpreting statistical analyses (from SPSS & R), create relevant graphics/visuals (Tables and Figures as per APA style with R, Tableau, PowerBI) conduct literature searches with databases in the substantive area (e.g., Psychinfo, ABI inform etc.), know citation and referencing styles (APA style), know how to insert in-text citations of relevant sources and create a bibliography (APA style). Learners will analyze data using R as needed, conduct literature review on ethnicity/race/culture/gender, and other psychological variables, incorporate summaries of relevant references into the manuscript, complete graphs and tables based on statistical output and get manuscript ready for publication or conference presentation. An exceptional learner will have co-authoring option.
Scientific Publications in Organizational, Social & Personality Psychology-Level Up
The level up opportunity involves getting a organizational social or personality psychology or human resource management conference presentation or manuscript ready for scientific publication. Candidate must be familiar with doing literature reviews, interpreting statistical analyses (from SPSS & R), create relevant graphics/visuals (Tables and Figures as per APA style with R, Tableau, PowerBI) conduct literature searches with databases in the substantive area (e.g., Psychinfo, ABI inform etc.), know citation and referencing styles (APA style), know how to insert in-text citations of relevant sources and create a bibliography (APA style). Candidates will analyze data using R as needed, conduct literature review on ethnicity/race/culture/gender, and other psychological variables, incorporate summaries of relevant references into the manuscript, complete graphs and tables based on statistical output and get manuscript ready for publication or conference presentation. An exceptional candidate will have co-authoring option.
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